// INPUTS const finalTargetAmount = document.querySelector('#target_final_amount'); const postBrewDillute = document.querySelector('#post_brew_dillute'); const coffeeToWaterRatio = document.querySelector('#coffee_to_water'); // DISPLAY VALUES const drinkCount = document.querySelector('#drink_count'); const totalWaterOzSpan = document.querySelector('#total_water_oz'); const totalWaterGrmsSpan = document.querySelector('#total_water_grms'); const totalCoffeeSpan = document.querySelector('#total_coffee'); var recipe = {}; // BUILD FUNCTIONS function calcWater() { // Target amount divided by 2, then add 20% for water loss recipe.brewWater = Math.round((finalTargetAmount.value / 2) + (finalTargetAmount.value * .1) ) recipe.dilluteWater = Math.round(recipe.brewWater * (postBrewDillute.value)) recipe.totalWater = recipe.dilluteWater + recipe.brewWater // Have everything in grams... recipe.brewWaterGms = Math.round(recipe.brewWater * 29.57) recipe.dilluteWaterGms = Math.round(recipe.dilluteWater * 29.57) recipe.totalWaterGms = Math.round(recipe.totalWater * 29.57) } function calcCoffee() { recipe.totalCoffee = Math.round((recipe.totalWaterGms / 2) / coffeeToWaterRatio.value) } function updateChart() { var ctx = document.getElementById("recipeChart").getContext('2d'); var recipeChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'pie', data: { labels: ["Brew Water", "Dillute Water", "Coffee"], datasets: [{ backgroundColor: [ "#7C4A32", "#95BCB2", "#421E00" ], data: [recipe.brewWaterGms, recipe.dilluteWaterGms, recipe.totalCoffee] }] } }); } function updateRecipe() { calcWater(); calcCoffee(); updateChart(); targetOunces = finalTargetAmount.value; drinkCount.innerHTML = Math.round(targetOunces / 12); totalWaterOzSpan.innerHTML = recipe.totalWater; totalWaterGrmsSpan.innerHTML = recipe.totalWaterGms; totalCoffeeSpan.innerHTML = recipe.totalCoffee; } calcWater(); updateRecipe(); finalTargetAmount.addEventListener('keyup', updateRecipe); postBrewDillute.addEventListener('change', updateRecipe); coffeeToWaterRatio.addEventListener('change', updateRecipe); cold brew

Cold Brew - Ratio and Instruction 

Choose container

Add Coffee

Add in the amount of Coffee that you want per your ratio found on the back of the bag.

Add Water

Add in the amount of room temp water that you want per your ratio found on the back of the bag.


Let the coffee water soak for at least 12 hours. When complete you can pull coffee sachet out of the water and squeeze well. Store coffee liquid in the fridge.

Cold Brew Calculator

This will make about regular sized drinks

If you don't know what these mean you can just leave them alone

  • What You Need

  • Filtered Water

    xx Fl Ounces or (xx Grams)
    Make sure you have nice tasting filtered water.
    Bad water = bad coffee.

  • Great Coffee

    xx Grams
    For a dark heavy flavor stick with espresso roast, for a lighter more tea like flavor go with a light roast. Medium roast is just boring

  • Burr Grinder
    Or just have your coffee shop grind it fresh, never buy pre-ground coffee. That is a terrible sin.
    Cheap Option | Fancy Option

  • A Large Jar or Pitcher
    I love and use this one

  • Cheesecloth or other Filter Method
    Cheap Option | Fancy Option

Step 1

Grab a pitcher or giant jar that you want to make coffee in. I use and love these giant mason jars. Look how much it holds and thow it in the box above. That will update all the amounts in this guide. Keep in mind that a general regular sized drink is about 20oz.